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SEA LIFE TRUST Global Beach Clean
Our latest 24hr Global Beach Clean event took place on 18th September 2024!
Each year at the SEA LIFE TRUST, we organise our global beach and water way clean up inviting friends from around the world to sign up and take part. It is estimated that 8 million tons of plastic waste enter the world’s oceans each year and that by 2050, the oceans could have more plastic in them than fish.
Plastic waste worldwide fills our oceans, coastlines and waterways. Litter washed up on our local shores is not just unpleasant to look at; it also harms and kills our precious wildlife and their habitats. Microplastics are now within human food chains, starting off being consumed by plankton and other filter-feeding animals, making their way up the food chain to our dinner plates.
From New Zealand to California, Bangkok to Brighton we join together over this one 24 hour period
and turn our attention to this global crisis.
In 2024, 1,545 people from around the world helped us to collect almost 5,000kg of litter which is pretty amazing! We hope that even more people sign up to collect even more litter next year. we really couldn't have done it without our great volunteers!
To keep up to date with clean up events in your local area, please email our team – beachclean@sealifetrust.com
Watch this space as we announce our next 24 Hour Global Beach Clean event in June 2025!

We're working to protect the world’s oceans and fight the tidal wave of pollution.
Our annual Global Beach Clean is your chance to make a difference!
If you'd still like to make a donation to support our clean up event, you can do so here:
Why we do it
SEA LIFE TRUST has a vision of a world where oceans are healthy, properly protected and full of diverse life.
We champion the need for plastic-free oceans and our annual 24 hour Global Beach Clean is a fantastic way to support this.
Looking for more inspiration on how to reduce plastic litter? Here are five ways to make change.